Why Would A Child Need Occupational Therapy

why would a child need occupational therapy

Occupational Therapy (OT) is a propulsive client-centered health profession that promotes health and well-being through occupation. The primary goal of OT is to enable people to participate in everyday life activities.  Occupational therapists achieve this outcome by working with people and communities to enhance their ability to engage in the occupations they want to, need … Read more

Acupuncture: A Comprehensive Guide 

how long does acupuncture take to work

Acupuncture is a fascinating and complex form of traditional Chinese medicine practiced for thousands of years. It involves the insertion of skinny needles into specific points on the body to alleviate pain and treat various health conditions.  The history of Acupuncture is deeply rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy and medicine. The practice is thought to … Read more

A Complete Guide on Hypnotherapy

how much does hypnotherapy cost

‘Hypnotherapy,’ a term that conjures imagery of swinging pendulums and entranced subjects, is a serious therapeutic practice that has evolved significantly. At its core, Hypnotherapy involves using hypnosis to induce a state of heightened suggestibility, relaxation, and focus in an individual.  The roots of Hypnotherapy can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where trance-like states … Read more

Stemwave Therapy: Everything You Need to Know

stemwave therapy

Stemwave Therapy, a term coined for its use of supersonic sound waves traveling at 3,355 mph, has emerged as a revolutionary non-invasive treatment option for musculoskeletal conditions. It offers a non-invasive alternative to traditional treatments for pain and inflammation, such as narcotics, cortisone injections, or surgery.  The therapy’s history dates back to the 1980s in … Read more

Everything You Need to Know About Physical Therapy

how much does physical therapy cost

Physical therapy (PT) is a healthcare profession focused on improving movement and mobility in individuals with physical impairments or functional limitations. The roots of physical therapy can be traced back to ancient civilizations. Modern physical therapy began to take shape in the 19th century with the development of orthopedics and the promotion of massage and … Read more

Who is Not A Good Candidate For Ketamine Therapy

who is not a good candidate for ketamine therapy

Ketamine therapy has gained significant attention due to its potential benefits in various medical conditions. Ketamine therapy, also known as Ketamine-assisted therapy, is a treatment approach that involves using low doses of ketamine, which is a dissociative anesthetic medication.  Ketamine therapy was synthesized in 1962 by Professor Calvin L. Stevens, who sought a safer alternative … Read more

What is Field Control Therapy? Everything You Need to Know

what is field control therapy

Field Control Therapy (FCT) is an innovative approach to health and healing that has garnered attention in the world of alternative medicine. Developed by Dr. Savely Yurkovsky, FCT is a method that conducts diagnosis through the body’s deepest physiological level via specific electromagnetic signals. FCT has been described as a revelation and a revolution in … Read more